Polyglot Gathering 2024


696 participants from 79 countries and residing in 59 countries have already registered to the Polyglot Gathering 2024.

If you have already registered to the Polyglot Gathering and would like to change your participation details, please do not fill in this form again, but use the link that was sent to you by e-mail when you registered.

The form calculates your participation fee automatically. See the page How to participate for more information about costs.

The fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

This registration form is for the Polyglot Gathering 2024 that will take place from May 15 to 19 in Prague, Czechia. Registration for the Polyglot Gathering Online can be found here.

Some fields have not been correctly filled in. Please check the data you entered.

Personal information
Please indicate your age on May 15, 2024 if you are under 18 or if you are a student under 26 so you can have a discount.
More about you

Every participant will be given a nametag with the following information: name, country, languages known. You can write whatever you want, but think first, this information will be printed!

What do you want people to call you? It can be your first name, a nicknameโ€ฆ
It can be the country you come from, the one you live in or something else.

What languages do you know? If you speak a language not in the suggested list, write its name and we will add it.

If you want to remove a language, just leave its name blank. The letters (A, B, C) refer to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Participation details

Student discount

If you check this box, you will have to show a student ID when you arrive at the Gathering.

Promotional code

If you have a promotional code for the Polyglot Gathering, write it in the field below.


Dinners can be picked individually, but lunches have to be picked for all days of your participation, and can be ordered only until May 8, 2024. See the pages How to participate and Practical information for more information about meals.

Additional comments
Total (in euros)

The fee is automatically calculated.

Based on your name, we have applied a discount for your contribution to the Polyglot Gathering.
Payment manner
Payment information
Payment form powered by Stripe.

After you click โ€œSign me up!โ€, you will be directed to a page with a summary of your data and receive a confirmation email message with additional information. If it doesnโ€™t arrive, check your spam folder. Donโ€™t hesitate to contact us at administration@polyglotgathering.com if you have any questions.

I hereby register for the Polyglot Gathering and commit to paying the associated fees above!